The Texas Water Development Board (TWBD) met to approve funding for future projects. The full agenda of this meeting can be found here. The archive of this meeting can be found here.


This report is intended to give you an overview and highlight the various topics taken up. It is not a verbatim transcript of the discussions but is based upon what was audible or understandable to the observer.


Item 1: Discussion regarding outreach efforts and activities by the Board

  • Director L’Oreal Stepney: Met in Waco with Water Conservation Board Managers meeting and attended 2023 Commissioner of Environmental Quality fair
  • Director George B. Peyton: The Texas State Revolving Fund Bond sold at 192 million at <3.5% interest rate which is a substantial improvement. Also, visited the Visited John Bucker Sands Wetland Center, and did a Panhandle tour meeting the city manager of Coleman, Hemphill County Underwater Conservation District, Greenbelt Municipal & Industrial Water Authority
  • Director Brooke Paup: At the end of the 88th Legislative Session they received nearly $2 billion in new money and nearly everything they asked for.


Item 2: Amin Kiaghadi, Texas Water Development Board

Consider authorizing the Executive Administrator to amend three Texas Integrated Flooding Framework contracts with an additional $767,000 for a total cost of the amended contracts not to exceed $3,000,000.

  • 1: an existing contract with the U.S. geological survey will be amended to increase the funding from $538,000 thousand to a total contract amount not exceeding $1 million
  • 2: an existing contract with the U.S. Army Core of Engineers Galveston District will be amended to increase funding from $1,420,000 to a total not exceeding $1.7 million
  • 3: an existing contract with Texas State University will be amended to increase funding from $275,000 not to exceed $400,000
  • Stepney: What are components 2 and 4?
    • Data visualization and management are for the 2nd and outreach and planning is for the 4th
  • Item 2 Approved


Item 3: Mireya Loewe, Texas Water Development Board

Consider making a determination that a nuisance dangerous to the public health and safety exists in the area to be served by the Economically Distressed Areas Program project proposed by Maverick County and approving by resolution a request from Maverick County for $24,000,000 in financial assistance consisting of $7,200,000 in financing and $16,800,000 in grant from the Economically Distressed Areas Program for planning, acquisition, design, and construction of a water and wastewater system project.

  • Director Stepney- Is this the first time the board will make a determination on nuisance? Can you talk a little more about the process?
    • Originally the department of State Health Services could do this but the legislature soon after changed it
  • Director Peyton: Regarding determining a nuisance, is there a difference from how the department of state health services and us or do they mirror each other?
    • Small difference that state health services send people out but besides that everything is the same
  • Director Peyton: How did you ensure the size of the water lines were adequate and it wasn’t showing the community that you were interested in potential growth?
    • There was very careful planning and everything has been examined before any further steps have or will be taken.
  • Item 3 Approved


Item 4: Mireya Loewe, Texas Water Development Board

Consider approving by resolution a request from the Military Highway Water Supply corporation (Cameron County) for $2,200,000 in financial assistance consisting of $1,100,000 in financing and $1,100,000 in grant from the Economically Distressed Areas Program for planning, design, and construction of a wastewater system project.

  • Military Highway Development Board provides services to nearly 39,000 people in parts of Hidalgo and Cameron County through 4 different and separate water systems
  • The proposed project will replace nearly 11,000 linear feet which will increase liability. The new line will be located further away from the highway in order to help maintenance and accommodate a future expansion of the highway
  • Item 4 Approved


Item 5: Mireya Loewe, Texas Water Development Board

Consider approving by resolution a request from the City of Mission (Hidalgo County) for $8,510,000 in financial assistance consisting of $4,255,000 in financing and $4,255,000 in grant from the Economically Distressed Areas Program for planning, acquisition, and construction of a wastewater system project.

  • The city of Mission is located in Hidalgo County and has a population of nearly 86,000. They provide water and sewer services to nearly 103,000 people with nearly 30,000 water connections and 27,000 wastewater connections. The proposed project consists of 14 subdivisions northwest of Mission getting first time sewer service
  • In 2013, the city received $569,000 for the planning of this project but hasn’t received funding for the construction of this project. This funding will be used for construction of nearly 62,600 linear feet of sewer lines. Included is 622 sewer connections and 7,400 feet of main line to transport wastewater to treat at the cities already existed wastewater treatment plant
  • Director Stepney: Have we received their most recent audit?
    • Not yet. I heard it will be adopted by their council sometime this month
  • Director Stepney: Will you require it before closing?
    • Yes
  • Item 5 Approved


Item 6: Mireya Loewe, Texas Water Development Board, and Steven Sanchez, General Manager of North Alamo Water Supply

Consider approving by resolution a request from the North Alamo Water Supply Corporation (Hidalgo County) for $4,400,000 in financial assistance consisting of $1,320,000 in financing and $3,080,000 in grant from the Economically Distressed Areas Program for construction of a wastewater system project.

  • In 2014, the corporation received a $1,568,000 grant from the economically distressed areas program
  • In 2018, the corporation received a $8,821,350 grant and $500,000 in principle forgiveness and $4,495,000 in financing from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund
  • Previous funding helped 8 out of 10 subdivisions, and new funding would help remaining 2
  • Project schedule: Closing – October 15, 2023. Engineering Feasibility Report Completion (End of Planning Phase) – March 1, 2017. Design Phase Completion – March 21, 2018. Start of Construction – January 24, 2024. Construction Completion – November 1, 2024
  • Item 6 Approved

Item 7: Mireya Loewe, Texas Water Development Board

Consider making a determination that a nuisance dangerous to the public health and safety exists in the area to be served by the Economically Distressed Areas Program project proposed by the North Alamo Water Supply Corporation (Cameron, Hidalgo, and Willacy Counties) and approving by resolution a request from the North Alamo Water Supply Corporation for $9,800,000 in financial assistance consisting of $2,940,000 in financing and $6,860,000 in grant from the Economically Distressed Areas Program for construction of a wastewater system project.

  • Plant acquisition originally had $3,950,000 in financing and $1,663,585 in principle forgiveness from Clean Water State Revolving Fund, and they planned to pursue EDAP funding later
  • New request is to further finance the project
  • Wants to provide sewer service to 9 subdivisions in Hidalgo county
  • Director Stepney: What info did we receive to support nuisance determination?
    • The corporation received information from the county health department
  • Director Stepney: You are asking for state determination as well?
    • Yes
  • Project Schedule: Closing – October 15, 2023. Engineering Feasibility Report Completion (End of Planning Phase) – June 30, 2023. Design Phase Completion – August 31, 2023. Start of Construction – November 13, 2023. Construction Completion – August 31, 2025
  • Item 7 Approved


Item 8: Mireya Loewe, Texas Water Development Board

Consider making a determination that a nuisance dangerous to the public health and safety exists in the area to be served by the Economically Distressed Areas Program project proposed by Presidio County and approving by resolution a request from Presidio County for $4,600,000 in financial assistance consisting of $1,380,000 in financing and $3,220,000 in grant from the Economically Distressed Areas Program for planning, acquisition, design, and construction of a water and wastewater system project.

  • Marfa sewer system is failing
  • Planting acquisition and design for Los Pampas area which doesn’t have access to water; residents must haul their own water from Presidio
  • Shafter residents rely on well and the unit burned down, residents have been on boil water notice
  • Director Stepney: Did they submit their audit and are we referring them for FMT?
    • 2022 audit is still pending
    • We are recommending an FMT assessment for Marfa because they are upgrading and managing their infrastructure
  • Director Stepney: They are 2A, so financials look good?
    • Correct, there is a certificate of obligations pledge, which is a strong tax pledge
  • Project Schedule: Closing – October 15, 2023. Engineering Feasibility Report Completion (End of Planning Phase) – February 26, 2025. Design Phase Completion – August 26, 2025. Start of Construction – February 26, 2026. Construction Completion – April 26, 2028.
  • Item 8 Approved


Item 9: Jesse Milonovich, Texas Water Development Board

Consider approving by resolution a request from El Paso Water acting on behalf of the City of El Paso (El Paso County) for $28,930,096 in financial assistance consisting of $8,680,000 in financing and $20,250,096 in grant from the Economically Distressed Areas Program for planning, design, and construction of a wastewater collection system project.

  • Montana Vista community in need of centralized wastewater collection system
    • Currently, on-site sewer facilities are aging and in disrepair
  • Director Peyton: Notes that cost of this project is almost double the cost for the same number of households in the area around 8 years before (cost inflation)
  • Project Schedule: Closing – September 30, 2023. Start of Construction – April 19, 2024 Construction Completion – September 30, 2025
  • Item 9 Approved


Item 10: Nancy Richards, Texas Water Development Board

Consider making a determination that a nuisance dangerous to the public health and safety exists in the area to be served by the Economically Distressed Areas Program project proposed by Airline Improvement District (Harris County) and approving by resolution a request from the Airline Improvement District for $3,819,000 in financial assistance consisting of $1,145,000 in financing and $2,674,000 in grant from the Economically Distressed Areas Program for planning, acquisition, design, and construction of a water and sewer service project.

  • EDAP isn’t just for valley but for any area in Texas that meets the requirements
  • Director Stepney: Where did the information come from?
    • Harris County Commissioner
  • Director Stepney: Wants more information about the nuisance determination
  • Project Schedule: Closing – September 1, 2023. Engineering Feasibility Report Completion (End of Planning Phase) – October 25, 2024. Design Phase Completion – January 27, 2025. Start of Construction – April 18, 2025. Construction Completion – December 19, 2025
  • Item 10 Approved


Item 11: Nancy Richards, Texas Water Development Board

Considering approving by resolution a request from the San Leon Municipal Utility District (Galveston County) for $14,365,000 in financial assistance consisting of $4,365,000 in financing and $10,000,000 in principal forgiveness from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund for planning, design, and construction of wastewater system improvements.

  • Evaluate gravity sewer mains and rehabilitate existing infrastructure using trenches technology
  • 3,055,000 at 0% interest and $1,310,000 at regular interest rate (~2.1%)
  • Project Schedule: Closing – September 1, 2023. Engineering Feasibility Report Completion (End of Planning Phase) – September 30, 2023. Design Phase Completion – November 21, 2023. Start of Construction – January 16, 2024. Construction Completion – September 23, 2025
  • Item 11 Approved


Item 12: Kristin Miller, Texas Water Development Board

Consider approving by resolution a request from the Barksdale Water Supply Corporation (Edwards County) for: a) $960,000 in principal forgiveness financing from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund for planning, acquisition, design, and construction of water system improvements; and b) a waiver from the requirement to include funds to mitigate water loss as part of this project.

  • New water well, water pump, transmission and distribution lines
  • Previously received $124,300 in principle forgiveness from TWDB
  • Director Peyton: Are water meter projects from previous commitment happening prior to funding this project?
    • Prior to construction, they will have to install them
  • Project Schedule: Closing – September 15, 2023. Engineering Feasibility Report Completion (End of Planning Phase) – April 30, 2024. Design Phase Completion – June 1, 2024. Start of Construction – September 1, 2024. Construction Completion – March 1, 2025
  • Item 12 Approved


Item 13: Kristin Miller, Texas Water Development Board

Consider approving by resolution a request from the City of Pflugerville (Travis County) for $30,600,000 in financing from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund for planning, acquisition, design, and construction of wastewater system improvements.

  • 6% financing
  • Project Schedule: Closing – December 1, 2023. Engineering Feasibility Report Completion (End of Planning Phase) – September 14, 2023. Design Phase Completion – October 14, 2023. Start of Construction – November 14, 2024. Construction Completion – December 1, 2025
  • Item 13 Approved


Item 14: The Board may adjourn into Executive Session and conduct a closed meeting

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