Summer learning will be a bridge to fall success for Lubbock ISD students. A few days prior to the announcement that ESSER 3 funds would be released to school districts, Lubbock ISD Superintendent Dr. Kathy Rollo explained how the district was considering using some of the funds. Lubbock ISD committed to expanding summer learning to twice as many students as originally planned in all K-12 campuses to address unfinished learning. Dr. Rollo explained that district administrators sought input from campus principals, and Associate Superintendent Doyle Vogler noted the Board unanimously approved the ambitious summer learning plan.
Even though Lubbock ISD was the largest district in the state to open for in-person instruction when they said they would on August 17, 2020, some students delayed in returning in person and about 10% are still virtual. Dr. Rollo said that teachers observed social-emotional concerns in students returning to school after virtual learning. Students’ classroom behaviors showed the effects of social isolation during remote learning. To meet this need, social emotional learning will be built into each day, with a “Quick Start” self-check activity to launch the day for each student. Each campus will be staffed with SEL counselors who can provide small group or even one-on-one sessions for social-emotional learning.
Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Misty Reiber explained that the focus this summer will be on reading and math. K-8 students will be invited to summer learning based on data, while 9-12 students will have the opportunity for credit recovery. Teachers will use formative assessment data to have a clear narrative of “each child’s story,” said Misty. A district-developed decision-tree and rubric with a learner profile and specific criteria for each grade will be used by teachers and principals to indicate if the student needs support with unfinished learning, intervention, or retention. All the campus principals had input into the creation of the rubrics, which provide a consistent, coherent, objective plan to help teachers address the unique needs of each learner and communicate with parents and caregivers.